- by Linn Barnes
-Linn Barnes
Oh go on say something
if you have to
no big deal
so he let him off
who cares really
nothing to fret about
just regular stuff
so he was a convicted
fellow on several counts
whatever they were
big deal what’s new
I mean he was kind of funny
the way he attacked women
I remember one time
something like you stupid ugly
bitch I’ll see you in court
stuff like that but he was
well is a great dresser
a real taste for color
shirts and ties always right
and a severe worship of hats
lots of hats great costuming
a jerky vicious smile over
a hawk nose my guess
he is immensely proud of
all celebrated this man
before our country severely
damaged by the capo who just
cut him loose without a day
served for nothing short of treachery
to cheer and celebrate
the dying intubated gasps
of the party falling rapidly
down into the gloaming
where the sad ugly mud
reeks of despair and defeat