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Before the Flood

- by Linn Barnes

Before the Flood

-Linn Barnes

The rain is collapsing the sky,

the river in bellowing  below us,

the woods are sagging, clumped over 

exhausted dancers, with no respite,

soaking a torrent down the ridge. 

Small creatures are driven from the safety

of their nests by the hostile assault

to a watery death while grasping for roots 

and snapping branches in a final schuss to oblivion.

All this, while far out at sea lurks a great

fear, death and destruction to the many

in the direct path of the coming hurricane.

And, it is certain we will get our share,

we will not be spared the wind and the rain. 

We may even get a mirror of a tidal surge

when all the rivers will flood their banks and 

eat into the wooded borderland, creeping up 

the draws and climbing the hills where we will sit it out; 

these days, now darkening, waiting for the wind to riseā€¦